Nerve Injuries and Neuropathies

Nerve Injuries

Injuries to Nerves vary in severity. Depending on the nerve or nerves injured, impairment or loss of sensation and or movement may be experienced.

Recovery of function is determined by the severity, location and type of injury, as well as the age of the patient and the presence of associated injury. Function may return within days, weeks, months or not at all. Some injuries may require surgical repair with varied prognosis.



Neuropathies or Polyneuropathies can affect nerves anywhere except the brain or the spinal cord. Symptoms include numbness, abnormal sensations (eg. pins and needles), abnormal pain and loss movement.


Treatment of Nerve Injuries and Neuropathies is established on an individual basis but often include:

  • Stretching and mobilisation

  • Assisted movement

  • Graded exercise

  • Sensory stimulation

  • Pain management

  • Education and support

  • Prevention of secondary complications

  • Assessment for aids and appliances such as splints and braces

For more information on Spinal Cord Injury please contact;

Neuro-Solutions Ph: (03) 9893-3598 or email