Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injury can be caused by either trauma or disease and results in a loss of sensation and/or muscle function below the level of injury.  Complete spinal cord injuries have total loss of sensation and muscle function below the level of injury while incomplete injuries have variable sensation and muscle function below the level of injury. The level and type of injury will determine the person’s potential function.

Physiotherapy aims to achieve the highest degree of independence, fitness, balance and control, which the person’s injury permits.

Treatment may include:

• Prevention and management of muscle contractures

• Establishment and monitoring of a daily standing programme

• Balance work in sitting and/or standing

• Strengthening of all remaining active muscle groups

•  Cardiovascular fitness

•Wheelchair skills and leisure activities


Ageing with a spinal cord injury may involve the onset of new pain, fatigue, weakness and changes in physical activity. Physiotherapists at Neuro-Solutions have experience in providing programmes to address and prevent, as much as possible, the onset of such problems.


For more information on Spinal Cord Injury please contact;

Neuro-Solutions Ph: (03) 9893-3598 or email admin@neuro-solutions.net